Korean Perm Or Digital Perm? Top 7 Myths Vs Facts You Must Know

Korean Perm or Digital Perm? Top 7 Myths vs Facts You Must Know Before Getting One

Planning to reshape your hair to get those oh-so-gorgeous curls and waves you see on Korean celebrities? Don't get us wrong. This can be the best decision one will ever make to skick-start a positive change to our image. But, here are 7 Myths vs Facts you must know before getting a Korean Perm (or technically a Digital Perm):

What is the Difference Between Korean Perm & Digital Perm?

One refers to the technology and technique, but the other refers to a category of hairstyles or looks.

Digital Perm is a hair retexturizing technology that uses heat and chemicals to change its shape into curls and waves. Whereas, the term "Korean Perm" refers to wavy hairstyles that are inspired by Korean celebrities and the Hallyu wave. In short, Digital Perm is the technique used to create Korean Perm looks.

Myth #1 About Getting a Korean Perm:

Myth #1: I Will Be Able to Achieve A Similar Hairstyle that is Usually Created Via A Curling Iron

Fact #1 About Getting a Korean Perm:

  • The Hairstyle Created via Chemical Services is Different from That Created Using A Curling Iron Or Flat Iron.

"Digitally Permed curls are less coiffed, sculpted, and defined. Hence, they are usually looser. And, they look more like people with natural waves than those carefully-styled curls designed using a curling or flat iron." Associate Director of Chez Vous: HideAway Salon, Eddy Lau

Myth #2 About Getting a Korean Perm:

Myth #2: I No Longer Need to Style My Hair After the Service

Fact #2 About Getting a Korean Perm:

  • We need to Style and Maintain Our Hair After A Digital Perm Service.

"Many have the misconception that perming our hair means that we can sport a wash & wear Korean celebrity-inspired hairstyle. Unfortunately, that's not the case. A simple routine involving the application of a prescribed leave-in styling product is a must. Followed by blow-drying and finger-twisting your hair in the correct direction is needed to create your daily gorgeous-looking curls." Associate Director of Chez Vous: HideAway Salon, Oscar Lee 

Myth #3 About Getting a Korean Perm:

Myth #3: Getting A Gorgeous End Result Relies Mainly on Finding the Right Hair Salon or Stylist

Fact #3 About Getting a Korean Perm:

  • That's Only 50% True. The Other 50% Relies on Our Existing Hair Condition and Texture!

"For beautiful-looking results, ideally, the hair must be healthy and elastic. Meaning, we should not overly damage our hair via frequent heat-styling; bleach; highlights; or rebonding. Most importantly, we must NOT Keratin-treat or Henna-treat our hair.

1-month before the procedure, we should replace our usual conditioner with a protein-rich masque (e.g. Oribe Gold Lust Transformative Masque). Alternating it with bond-strengthening hair treatment (e.g. Olaplex no. 3) is highly encouraged too.

Lastly, women with fine or extremely thick or unmanageable hair texture should avoid going for Digital Perm procedures. As the results tend to be sub-optimal." Associate Director of Chez Vous: HideAway Salon, Shawn Chia

Myth #4 About Getting a Korean Perm:

Myth #4:  Such hairstyles Suit Everyone. Don't Believe? Take A Look at All the Korean Celebrities with Gorgeous Waves and Curls!

Fact #4 About Getting A Korean Perm:

  • Curls and Wavy Hair is NOT For Everyone.

"If we ever have an intention to go for a Digital Perm procedure, do this first. Always ask our preferred hairstylist to blow-style our hair into natural-looking curls and waves. This way, we can have a better judgement on whether curls look good on us or not. Also, ask ourselves if we are willing to style and maintain them daily?" Associate Director of Chez Vous: HideAway Salon, Eddy Lau

Myth #5 About Getting A Korean Perm:

Myth #5: I Can Achieve Beautifully Sculpted Curls Without The Frizz and Unruliness

Fact #5 About Getting A Korean Perm:

  • Curls and Waves Tend to Look Slightly More Unruly and Frizzy as Opposed to Straight Hair. And Weather Plays a Huge Part Too!

"In hot and humid weather like ours here in Singapore, curls and waves tend to be slightly frizzy and unruly. Especially when compared to Japan, South Korea or Europe. That's because the high water content in the air interacts with our hair causing them to swell. Thus, bending them uncontrollably - creating frizz and flyaways. Hence, investing in the right sculpting leave-in lotion for curls is important. Our favourite? Oribe Curl Gloss for hydration and hold." Associate Director of Chez Vous: HideAway Salon, Deon Liow

Myth #6 About Getting A Korean Perm:

Myth #6: Layers and Digitally Permed Waves and Curls Go Well Together

Fact #6 About Getting A Korean Perm:

  • Too Much Texturizing Layers Will Create More Frizz and Flyaways.

"When we overly-thinned down our hair, it will not have the "strength" or "mass" to hold curls together. Thus, making them unmanageable. A denser and fuller cut with strategically placed layers work better with Digital Perm procedures. Of course, moderate amount of texturising is required to produce movements. Just not excessively." Associate Director of Chez Vous: HideAway, Deon Liow

Myth #7 About Getting A Korean Perm:

Myth #7: Such Chemical Service Causes Severe Damage to the Hair

Fact #7 About Getting A Korean Perm:

  • Technology and Techniques Have Advanced Considerably, Hence The Damage Caused by Digital Perm Has Been Greatly Reduced

"At Chez Vous: HideAway, we mix Cysteamine-based (low-damaged) lotion with Thio-based softening lotion (for bounce), thus reducing damage caused to the hair. Moreover, we'll add shots of protein; moisture; bond repairing concentrates; cell membrane complex throughout the service. So, as to reduce the negative effects caused by the procedure. For certain hair types, we will even use the latest Glyceryl Mono Thioglycolate (GMT) as part of our Anti-damage Movement Perm service, to prevent swelling of hair, hence minimising damage." Associate Director of Chez Vous: HideAway Salon, Oscar Lee

At Chez Vous: HideAway, we believe in being upfront and honest in everything we do. Have any more doubts with regards to hair or hairstyle related concerns? Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or drop us a message via our Instagram and Facebook page. We are more than happy to assist you!


Click here to know more about Chez Vous HideAway

The all-new Chez Vous: HideAway Concept Store is designed by the multi-award-winning hair salon Chez Vous. As its second outlet, it sets to disrupt and revolutionize the way people think of a hair salon experience. This next-generation hairstyling space is part salon, part sanctuary and part-playhouse.

Aside from the comprehensive menu of hair services, guests can enjoy a whole host of value-added "spa"-like touches. Taking one's salon experience to a whole new level of luxury.

Guests will also be pleased to know that each associate director takes up to 5 appointments. Each 2-hour slot for chemical services, in a day. This is to ensure that we have ample time and optimal attention to work on each guest's hair.

The best part? It is highly affordable with our ultra-transparent tiered pricing. Bonus: There's even a "Strictly No Packages or Hard-selling" policy put in place.

  • $199 for 1 X Haircut + 1 X Service (e.g. 1-tone colour without bleach)
  • $299 for 1 X Haircut + 2 X Services (e.g. 1-tone colour without bleach + Tokio Inkarami Hair Treatment)
  • $399 for 1 X Haircut + 3 X Services (e.g. Balayage with lightener + Colour or Toning + Tokio Inkarami Hair Treatment)

*Additional top-up of $99 on top of the service bundles for Premium Services such as Keratin Treatment, 10-step Treatment Retexturizing Service, and Growth Factor Scalp Therapy

**Price applies for all hair length

Visit Chez Vous: HideAway Concept Salon at 391B Orchard Road, Ngee Ann City Tower B, #14-04. To make a reservation, call 6219 3558, during opening hours. We hope to see you soon.

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