How Bad Can A Short Hair Trim Get?

Very Bad! And yes, we are perplexed too. Ms J Lew contacted Chez Vous a couple of days ago through our Expertligent Fix You Programme, to seek our help for her catastrophic short-hair trim at an out-skirt salon. She claimed that the trim was so bad that she had to wear a cap every single day when she goes out. Our first response, like many, is how bad it can get for a trim. Well, take a look at the photos Ms J Lew sent us below. Mind you, it’s a 4-day old haircut.

We know it’s going to be bad. But, we are not expecting a 4-day old haircut from a hairstylist to be seriously so bad. The weight distribution is totally wrong. The back and sides are not evenly cut. No style, no shape, no sense of direction. We are pretty sure that Ms J Lew looks better before her disastrous trim. Our Chief Director, Thomas Teo immediately agreed to take up this fix when he saw the photos.

The most fulfilling thing was the appreciation Ms J Lew showed when she sees the end result. Even her husband specially came back to the salon to thank us in-person. Times like this made us feel that starting this Expertligent Fix You programme is the right decision made. Yes, it does takes up our time, effort and cost; and we don’t always receive gratitude and appreciation from most fixes we do. But, the fulfilment of seeing others like Ms J Lew, Sherena and Yi Jun lives resuming back to normal, and their smiles after the fix – it’s all worth it!

Team Chez Vous

Flagship Store

391 Orchard Road,
Ngee Ann City Podium,
#05-05, S238872

Private Space

391B Orchard Road, 
Ngee Ann City Tower B,
#08-01, S238874


391B Orchard Road, 
Ngee Ann City Tower B,
#14-04, S238874

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